Achieving Health Priority List

I really wish every health guru out there had a simple image of what they thought was the main contributors to a healthy body. A list of priorities that could be checked off one by one in order of importance or impact on overall health.

I am not a doctor, or a nutritionist, or anything, just someone who is interested in achieving good health enough to do a lot of research, and always seeking to find the best people to listen to in order to achieve good health. So here is my list of what I believe to be the greatest impact on health.

1. Vitamin D Level.
2. Vitamin D co factors.
3. The B’s especially Thiamine
4. B co factors.
5. Vitamin C
6. Magnesium

Vitamin D
Anyone who is low on vitamin D will run into countless different problems. Low D level to your body means that it’s winter. In winter, you must conserve energy (low energy, thyroid issues), store energy (non stop hunger, over eating, make lots of fat), delay repairs (chronic inflammation), and not even desire to do stuff (depression). It is all to do with survival, surviving the winter. Vitamin D level is a signal to your body that the sun is high and that food is plentiful, so now is the time to use energy, to repair tissue, to get things done.

Taking vitamin D will cause your body to start utilizing many things to move toward health. And this utilization will probably cause deficiencies of needed co factors. Many people will mistake a vitamin D toxicity with a deficiency of something else, usually magnesium.

Vitamin D Co factors
When you supplement with vitamin D you should always take magnesium, K2, zinc, omega-3.

B’s Especially Thiamine
I’ve only recently learned about the importance of B’s, after supplementing with D, I was getting tired a lot, having sleep issues like waking up early and not being able to get back to sleep. After taking lots of Thiamine and a b-complex, I noticed a huge increase in energy, an uptick in initiative and a will to get things done.
I assumed because I was eating a lot of beef that I was supplied with enough B’s. But it obviously wasn’t the case because of the huge improvement I experienced after supplementing with huge doses of Thiamine (Benfotiamine).

D3 and B’s are your best bet for the greatest improvement when attaining health. It is well known that a large percentage of the population is deficient in these two things.

A list of people, sources, and sites I trust to give the best info on these things:
Dr. Judson Sommerville (D3 Supplement Expert, Optimal Dose Author)
Jeff T Bowles (High Dose D3 Expert)
Vitamin D Wiki (
Elliot Overton EONutrition (Thiamine Expert)
Stasha Gominak (D, and B’s for Good Sleep Expert)
Dr Thomas Levy (vitamin c, magnesium, D3, K, B) (Does actually have a supplement priority list)

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