I’ve been taking mega dose thiamine (B-1) for over 30 days now. Starting out at 300 mg or Thiamine HCL. and working my way up to 1000mg HCL plus 1000mg Benfotiamine a day.
I can feel it in my muscles, and my general feeling of energy. My muscles are in a constant state of readiness, when I flex they have that full capacity feeling that I would only get once in a blue moon before.
I have increased recovery. I can workout every day without that fatigue feeling. Muscle soreness has gone down or disappeared.
I’ve hit more PRs lately in every exercise.
My arms have just hit 17″ cold flex, I’m 6’3 240lbs. Lifetime natural.
In the last couple days I’ve added lots of Vitamin C, I think that helps even more.
I’ve also been taking a B100 Complex, and other B‘s alone for extra. Magnesium. Drinking lots of milk.
D3 10,000IU – 25,000IU, getting sun, K2 100/day. Chlorella 15g a day.
Overall I’m so happy to have discovered this regiment for myself. It’s a massive boon to my well being.
For the cost of a mere 10 – 20 hours of watching well chosen experts presentations and interviews on these supplements, learning about their effects and their co factors, the signs and symptoms of toxicity and deficiency, its possible to increase your energy and enjoyment of life by over 100% for every hour of the rest of your life! I’ve probably spent over 300 hours sifting through all the bullshit, but still worth it.
The supps amount to a couple bucks a day. most people spend that on a coffee.
Not out of the woods yet though, sleep still needs improvement, it’s broken up. Skin issues still. Hoping it will clear up eventually with these changes. So ya. not perfect but a massive improvement!
Which experts will you choose?
I’m not a doctor, or a medical whatever, I’m just someone who is interested in optimal health, and someone who chooses who I listen to carefully! Health is a real clusterfuck of information, you gotta take into account everything from ulterior motives, money, story, their health journey, their why, their mission. Everybody is out to sell you something and most of it is horseshit. People will live and die by the experts they choose.
You are a money generating asset in the eyes of some company, companies are forced to act in psychopathic ways to maximize profits for shareholders. The best way they know how extract money from you is to keep you unhealthy, struggling to attain health in a state of ignorance, chasing after shiny things, tinkering with symptoms and side effects, while never resolving a foundational problem.
It sucks we live in this vampire like economy, but it’s reality, and all seriousness aside it’s just a game. And now I feel I have won that game… high dose thiamine was the last piece of the puzzle for me.
For people who truly desire health the answers are out there to discover for themselves! And thankfully they are dirt cheap!
The truth is simple, it can be said in a few sentences. But once said, where does it end up in the sea of information? Eventually forgotten. buried by dumb content made for eye balls to generate ad revenue. If there is no product to sell, there is no ad revenue to bring in more attention.
The best health advice ever could be no longer than a page. But even in the age of information and content generation it can be lost so easily. So I know how blessed I am in finding what I’ve found. It was such a fluke. I am so grateful.
Interesting pics below taken from How to Apply High-Dose Thiamine Protocols in Clinical Practice: Part 2 by EONutrition