My experiments with sea salt, snake juice, and fasting.

I’m kicking myself!

Today I reached a new PR while I was at 48 hours fasted, drinking only snake juice.

My ‘snake juice’ is a 4L container of water with the following salt electrolytes added:

  • 2tsp Celtic Sea Salt,
  • 2tsp Potassium Chloride (Nu-Salt),
  • 1tsp Magnesium Chloride,
  • 1tsp Baking Soda.

I’m kicking myself because this should have been one of the very first things I should’ve learned when trying to improve health and performance. The question being: How much salt is optimal for me? I’ll know soon enough but hell, I should’ve learned this 10 years ago!

I went on tear watching all the videos I could on salt. Ordered a few books on it.

I ordered “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life: You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!” by F. Batmanghelidj MD. Who says that every disease is caused by dehydration.

I ordered “The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong–and How Eating More Might Save Your Life” by Dr. James DiNicolantonio. One of the most notable things he said in an interview is that before we used refrigeration for food preservation we used to eat 70 to 100 grams of salt PER DAY. Romans 25grams a day, medieval times 40-100 grams a day – mentioned in interview on youtube. Another very important thing he mentions is that salt intake somehow regulates or controls magnesium absorption and retention (I’ve still got a lot to learn). He also talks a lot about Keto, and people on Keto need more salt!

I watched “Salt & Water – Barbara O’Neill” on youtube

I watched “Dr Thompson Explains his Book – Calcium Lie 2” and ordered his book. He recommends at least 3 grams of sea salt a day.

I was looking for an optimal amount of sea salt to water ratio when I stumbled upon people mentioning snake juice.

Snake Juice is a formula created by Cole Robinson, creator of the Snake Diet. He advocates drinking snake juice while fasting. His formula for snake juice can be found here: He has a ton of videos on youtube discussing fasting, dry fasting, snake juice, and a ton of testimonials and results of people who lost a lot of weight with his methods. He’s funny and motivating to listen to!

It’s also interesting to read the comments on their interviews and presentations to see how peoples lives have been changed dramatically just by adding sea salt to their water.

It’s really interesting to me, I’ll keep on learning.. that’s all for now!